Solomillo In English With Contextual Examples Mymemory
Gandarias solomillo de vaca solomillo in english vieja con pimiento verde y sal maldón lo primero que nos sorprende es el orden y la simetría con la que la interminable barra del gandarias nos recibe. gandarias old beef sirloin with green pepper and maldon salt the first thing to strike us about gandarias was the order and symmetry that the seemingly endless bar. Synonyms (spanish) for "solomillo": solomillo. bife bisté bistec filete. context examples. context examples for "solomillo" in english (! ) these sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. therefore, we are not responsible for their content. solomillo con patatas. fillet steak with potatoes.
Solomillo Diccionario Inglsespaol Wordreference Com
Solomillo translated from spanish to english including synonyms, definitions, and related words. Meaning and examples for 'solomillo' in spanish-english dictionary. √ 100% free. √ over 1,500,000 translations. √ fast and easy to use.
English: solomillo nm nombre masculino: sustantivo de género exclusivamente masculino, que lleva los artículos el o un en singular, y los o unos en plural. exemplos: el televisor, un piso. (corte de carne) sirloin n noun: refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. fillet n noun: refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. Translationof "el solomillo" in english. noun. tenderloin. sirloin. the filet. the porterhouse. the fillet steak. other translations. he oído que el solomillo de cerdo es magnífico. i hear they have great pork tenderloin. las pasatas son preparadas de manera artesanal y otros platos como el solomillo de cerdo envuelto en tocino es un placer. Context sentences for "solomillo" in english these sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. bab. la is not responsible for solomillo in english their content. spanish nuestra obligación moral es, ante todo, velar por la seguridad de la comida barata antes de asegurar el solomillo de buey. Solomillo translation in spanish english reverso dictionary, see also 'puntas de solomillo',solo',sollozo',solio', examples, definition, conjugation.
Solomillo In English With Contextual Examples Mymemory
Solomillo translation in spanish-english dictionary. es cuartos delanteros enteros o cortados en cinco trozos como máximo, presentándose cada cuarto delantero en un solo bloque de congelación, cuartos llamados «compensados» presentados en dos bloques de congelación que contengan, uno, el cuarto delantero completo o cortado en cinco trozos como máximo y, el otro, el cuarto. Translation for 'solomillo de cerdo' in the free spanish-english dictionary and many other english translations.
Solomillo English Translation Linguee
Etymology. the word sirloin derives from the middle english surloine, itself derived from the solomillo in english old french word surloigne (variant of surlonge), that is, sur for 'above' and longe for 'loin'. in modern french, the cut of meat is called aloyau or faux-filet. a commonly-repeated anecdote claims that the name is derived from an occasion when king james i of england, while being entertained at. English words for solomillo include sirloin and sirloin steak. find more spanish words at wordhippo. com!.
Principal translations: spanish: english: solomillo nm nombre masculino: sustantivo de género exclusivamente masculino, que lleva los artículos el o un en singular, y los o unos en plural. exemplos: el televisor, un piso. (corte de carne) sirloin n noun: refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. : fillet n noun: refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. : hoy comí un bistec de.
Masculine noun. 1. (culinary) a. sirloin (of beef) a mí me trae las puntas de solomillo y vegetales, por favor. i'll have the sirloin tips with vegetables, please. b. tenderloin (of beef or pork) mi hijo no come cerdo o ternera a menos que sea solomillo. when it comes to beef or pork, my son won't eat anything but tenderloin. Translate solomillo into english. find words for solomillo in english in this spanish-english dictionary. traducir solomillo de español a inglés. Seguir cortando hacia abajo en línea recta, de forma paralela al solomillo, desde la decimotercera a la sexta costilla, inclusive, en línea paralela al borde dorsal de la columna vertebral, de forma que el corte no se halle a más de 5 centímetros del extremo lateral del músculo dorsal.
How to say solomillo in english translation of solomillo to english by nglish, on-line comprehensive spanish english and english spanish dictionary, translation and english learning by britannica, including: translation of words and sentences, english synonyms, example sentences, related phrases, audio pronunciation, personal word lists and more. Contextual translation of "solomillo" into english. human translations with examples: fillet, sirloin, striploin, tenderloin, beef sirloin, sirloin steak, roast sirloin. Many translated example sentences containing "solomillo" english-spanish dictionary and search engine for english translations.
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